Welcome to the Saturday Spotlight here at Sassy Vixen Publishing. I'm The Vixen and in case you haven't figured out, I'm the Mistress of Ceremonies here and besides showcasing Sassy Vixen authors, I'm honored to host authors from many different genres. Today I'm excited to have with us once again author Kara Leigh Miller.

She's actually on a double book tour. On our sister blog Through Stephanie's Eyes and Not Enough Time in the Day, Kara talked about her new YA release The Georgia Corbins. Today and on Monday she's sharing her New Adult release Death of a Waterfall. How exciting is that? Get your drinks and find a comfy seat and let's get this show on the road!
About the Author
She's the author of several erotic novellas, The Georgia Corbins, a YA romance, and a handful of short stories. Kara is an active member of the CNY Writers Haven and the CNY Romance Writers. In addition, she's an Associate Editor at Entranced Publishing.
Today, Kara resides in New Haven, New York with her husband, five kids, three cats, and two puppies. When she's not reading or writing, she's thinking about reading and writing. And when she's not doing that, she's spending time with her family and friends.
A bit more about Kara and her work...
I love Lora Leigh and Julie Ann Walker. They are both fantastic at writing alpha males who are tough yet sweet to the heroine. Lora Leigh can write sex like it's nobody's business and Julie Ann Walker is great at giving her heroes one-liners, usually an expletive, at just the right time and it always makes me chuckle.
When and where does your book take place?
Death of a Waterfall is set in the fictional town of Hayden Falls, California. The town of Hayden Falls is based very closely on the size and make up of Oswego, New York. Both places are on the smaller side, but have a lot of the necessary amenities and extras, such as a major university.
Who is the heroine? What drives her?
The heroine is Teghan Jacobs. She's a twenty year old college freshman at Hayden Falls University. In the beginning of the story she's driven by the need to break free from her father's control, to learn to be on her own and survive without his help. By the middle of the story she's driven by a need for revenge, and at the end she's just trying to get through each day.
Who is the hero? What drives him?
The hero is Donnie Marks—also a twenty year old freshman in college. Like Teghan, his driving force changes throughout the story. In the beginning, it's his need to be with Teghan, to get to know her and make love to her. By the end, he's driven my pure revenge. The single underlying drive for Donnie that never changes is his desire to have a family, to be the father he never had.
Is there a villain? Who is he? What’s he like? Why is he/she the way they are? What motivates him/her to cause oppositional force to the characters? Without giving any spoilers, can you give a hint as to what sort of opposition he/she gives to the main characters?
Oh yes, there is a villain. His name is Robert Jacobs and he's Teghan's father. Rob is a very controlling man, he's used to getting his own way, and he has no problems paying to get it, either. His motivation is simple: to protect his daughter. He doesn’t like Teghan's boyfriend, Donnie, so Rob tries to do whatever he can to keep them apart. It's a father's love gone wrong.
What are you working on now?
I'm working on the sequel to Death of a Waterfall; a sequel to my YA romance, The Georgia Corbins; a sexy Olympic themed novelette entitled, Ice Gold; and an erotic paranormal romance.
What are your favorite fiction genres to read from?
Primarily erotic romance, with some light BDSM elements. I also enjoy reading murder mysteries, romantic suspense, and parodies. I love parodies!
Where can we find you?
Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon | BN | ARe | Rogue Phoenix Press | Website
Thank you for stopping in today to learn a bit more about Kara. Make sure you stop into Behind Closed Doors on Monday June 17th where she'll share an excerpt from Death of a Waterfall, but until then here's a special GIVEAWAY for the tour.
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