Friday, December 21, 2012

Sassy Vixen Spotlight Is On A New Poet

Hello my fellow vixens and poetry lovers! Today I'm excited to welcome to the Sassy Vixen Spotlight a personal friend of mine. I've known Doug Beindorf for almost 30 years. 

That's right. I said almost 30 years. I know. That's a hell of a long time, but would you believe that I didn't know he wrote poetry until a few years ago? Well, now that I do, I've been trying to get him to share some of it with more than just a few of us on Facebook.

Like me, he's been through a lot in his life and has used his poetry to help him sort through it all. Recently he agreed to start putting his poems in a collection to be published with us. He'll be one of the first authors outside of myself, Lia and Stephanie Ryan who are with Sassy Vixen. Until he's finalized the selection for the book, he chose a very special one to share with us here today. Call it a teaser if you will.

Doug's poetry tends to be very dark but full of raw passion and emotion that can only come from deep within. Without knowing the real life events that inspired the words, you can feel what it took to write them down. Trust me. Once you read this piece, you will want to read more.  For those of you who wish to contact Doug, you can do so through FACEBOOK


I am He Who Rules the Night,
Spawn of Darkness with power and might.
All those who enter my deepest hell,
Of their tale no one to tell.
Horror - in the abstract.
Smear the truth. 
Distort what's fact.
This is my realm, all that I see.
Striding the helm of the ship called Insanity.
I have no conscience. 
My nature is cold.
Countless my minions 
And the souls that I hold.
Writhing masses decay in their cells.
Each living out their own personal hells.
For those who tempt fate, 
Take heed and take warning.
My vengeance is swift. 
You will not see morning.
None joke about me. 
They give me my room.
To incur my wrath is to secure your doom.
For I am He Who Walks the Night.
Spawn of Darkness with power and might.
And I am in each and every one
Of the pitiful mortals that live under the sun.
Who am I? 
You may want to know.
Just look in yourself 
And feel me grow.

by Doug Beindorf 
July 17, 2012 